
You don't want to be un-fireable

Development is a team sport. Unless you are flying solo like Marco Arment on Overcast or David Smith with his many wonderful apps, then chances are you will be working as part of a team

Simon Barker

What do you need to start learning to code?

It's easy to see all the amazing pictures of developer setups on Instagram and the beautiful backdrops that YouTube streamers and Udemy instructors have and feel like you need all that to be a real developer as well.

Simon Barker

How to ask good questions as a developer

Part of being a good developer is knowing how to ask good questions to other developers when you are stuck. As a junior developer you are going to have more questions than at any other time in your career and you could probably do with someone on your shoulder all day long to help you out.

Simon Barker

Should I use LinkedIn easy apply?

LinkedIn Easy Apply wasn’t made to help you get a job, it was made to make LinkedIn look better to people paying them for job listings. The number one metric for any job board is ...

Simon Barker

How do I find a coding mentor?

How to find a coding mentor is one of the most common questions I see asked by early stage developers and career switchers. It's not surprising since getting a mentor is a common piece of advice given to people in all careers: finding a mentor will hugely help you progress to the next stage

Simon Barker

Coder vs developer vs software engineer

One of the most confusing things to understand when you start learning to code is all the names and job titles in the industry. You’ll hear terms like coder, developer, software engineer and even the odd ninja - although that trend has thankfully abated! There is so much jargon in the coding and software development world that it can be hard to even know what to call what you do!

Simon Barker

How to ask good interview questions

Do you have any questions for us are seven words that strike fear into the hearts of many a junior, or even seasoned, developer when going through interviews. We all know that asking good interview questions is important but what determines a good question.

Simon Barker

Which programming language should I learn first?

There are so many programming languages, so many platforms and so many ways to learn. Even knowing how to get started can be stressful.

Simon Barker

How to be a great junior developer

Well done getting your first developer job! Now, what should you do to be amazing? I could give you lots of hand-wavy advice on meet targets, fulfill expectations, be a good communicator but that is all useless. So here is the number one best way to stand out as a junior and make a name for yourself.

Simon Barker

How long does it take to learn to code?

How long does it take to learn to code is the number one question I get asked when people hear I am a self-taught software developer, I always give the same answer: 9 months.

Simon Barker
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