30 Days Of JavaScript

Day 21: Consolidation 4

Lesson 1: Strings and JSON


There are three ways to make strings, with ", ' and \'.

There are some characters that you need to escape with a \ if you want to use them in a string, these are \ itself and if you want to use single quote in a string you started with a single quote, you need to escape it like \' and likewise for double quote in a string you started with double quotes like this \".

These characters get converted into something different when escaped:

  • \b - Backspace
  • \f - Form feed
  • \n - New line
  • \r - Carriage return
  • \t - Horizontal tab
  • \v - Vertical tab

String Methods

There area a number of methods (functions) you can call on a string.

To get it's length you use .length.

.slice() gives you a section of a string between two indexes, if you don't add a second property then it will be from the first index to the end. If you use negative then it will give you the string from the end.

Using slice can you pull out and log just the name of the course in the below playground?

.replace() will replace the first instance of a substring found in your string. It is used like this .replace('substring you dont want', 'new substring to replace it with')

In the playground below can you rename this course to "Introduction to JS" ?

.replaceAll replace every instance of a substring and not just the first like .replace()

.toUpperCase() and .toLowerCase() change the case of the string. In the playground below I want you to slice out the word JavaScript, upper case it and then print it

.trim(), .trimStart() and .trimEnd() remove any white space at the ends of a string. Use the most appropriate one to clean up the string in the playground below and log it out.

.split() allows you to split a string based on any character. In the play ground below I want you to split about the lesson code for this lesson and print out the parts.


You can join strings together using the + operator. If there are numbers in what you are concatenating JavaScript will try to do a numerical add, if it then finds a string then it will concatenate them as strings.

In this playground can you create the lesson code for this lesson?

There is also the .concat() method on all strings that can take a list of comma separated arguments and make a new string starting with the string you called .concat() on.

Template literal

Most of the time making new strings using template literals is the way to go now.

You create your string with back ticks ` and then any JavaScript you want to use in the string like variables, constants or function outputs you put in ${here}.

Use the playground below to make the lesson code again but this time with a template literal.


If you want to represent a JavaScript object in string form then JSON.stringify() is how you do that.

If you want to read in a string with JSON in it then you can do that with JSON.parse().

In the playground below log out the stringified version of car, then read it back and log it out as the new object.


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